I sponsor a child
“Each child is a precious present of our humanity, whether from Here or Elsewhere… The goal of sponsorship is to help for a moment, without forgetting that tomorrow, it maybe me that the Other will help.”
Here is, below, a “Frequently Asked Questions” to learn more about Indah’s philosophy regarding sponsorship.
Sponsorship is a human commitment with a strong impact.
For this reason, I like to take the time with you (future godfathers and godmothers) to talk about it in person to reassure, explain… but also to hear your questions and thoughts.
Do not hesitate to contact me to schedule a moment to discuss it.
Contact : info@indah.be (Stéphanie)

Which child will I sponsor ?
All sponsorships concern the children of our beneficiary families in Rwanda, in collaboration with Amizero, our local partner association in Kigali. We do not currently organize sponsorship in other countries.
Indah assumes that you don’t choose a child. According to this philosophy, we have a list of children who need a helping hand and we move forward on a case-by-case basis according to the urgency and priorities of their family situation. It can be a toddler of 3 years old (or less) or an older child who has not yet enjoyed his right to education. We can, however, discuss a possible age preference if you have children of your own that you would like to raise awareness and see them “grow up” together.
Will I receive news from my godchild ?
Yes. However, it all depends on the context of the child’s life. I personally go there at least once a year to hear from each child and follow up in partnership with Amizero (the local partner association). You will receive news at least twice a year (directly from my mission in the field, as well as small news in photos and a letter at the beginning of the year).
Can I send him a mail ?
Yes. When a mission in the field is planned, I warn the godfathers and godmothers so that they can bring a letter (and/or a small photo) to the headquarters of the association (or another meeting point) before my departure.
How long does a sponsorship last?
Sponsoring a child is a long-term commitment, ideally until the end of their schooling. The relationship between you and your godson is precious, especially if there is an exchange of letters/photos that makes it more concrete. For the child, this relationship can have great emotional significance.
However, no one is immune to an unforeseen event that could prevent sponsorship from continuing. Indah puts the interest of the child first and therefore asks to plan as soon as possible in case you encounter a period of difficulty.
Do I have to sign a contract ?
No. Indah considers that there can be no contract to bind two human beings. It’s all about trust and kindness.
Does the sponsorship amount change over the life of the child ?
No. A child who is between 3 and 6 years old will need a higher sponsorship than a child over 6 years old. Indeed, school fees are higher in kindergarten. Between 6 and 15 years, the amount will remain stable. Then, he can still evolve according to his choice of training. We have therefore set the amount at €30 for the entire duration of the follow-up.
When and how are funds sent ?
Funds are sent by international remittance quarterly. This saves us too regular transaction and exchange fees.
Is it possible to sponsor two ?
Yes. Aware that this amount can be a hindrance, I want the referral system to remain accessible. For this reason, you can sponsor a child with a relative or a friend.
How can I be sure that my money is well spent ?
Indah has been collaborating with Amizero since 2017. This Rwandan association was recommended to us by a Belgian NGO (ADA ZOA), as well as by the Belgian Development Cooperation. This local association is recognized for its work in Kigali since the genocide. Florida (responsible), Winnie and Iza are humanly exceptional women.
Over the years, I realize how lucky I am to be able to collaborate with such an association and such people. We communicate a lot, constantly questioning our actions in order to improve the impact for children and their families. It represents a lot of work when I go to the field before and after family visits.
If there are several children in the same family, will all the children be sponsored ?
Not necessarily. If the parents (often single mother) already send the eldest to school, we will not offer sponsorship for this child. Indeed, the objective is to work for the rights of children (especially education) without harming the dignity of families. We do not wish to assist or replace the responsibility of parents, but to provide the necessary boost when the situation is unbearable.
We want to enable all children to enjoy their right to education, even if they are part of a large sibling or the financial means of their family are too limited.
No child will therefore be left out, each family situation is analyzed on a case-by-case basis to find a balance between autonomy, dignity and fundamental rights. This is an analysis done with Florida, Winnie and Iza during the visits I do once a year (and they continue throughout the year).
How is the sponsorship money used ?
Below is a summary of the allocation of funds in image.
Regarding the payment of education, the Amizero team is responsible for making the payment directly to the school where the child goes.
Regarding food aid, the child will receive each trimester:
5 kg of SorSoMa (mixture of Sorghum, Soya and Corn),
5 kg of beans,
2 kg of sugar,
25 kg of corn flour,
2 reams of soap.